
"I Am" is not a personal claim or self-promotion. It is the essence of what it means to be human and seek understanding. Across all spiritual traditions, "I Am" represents the spark of awareness that drives the journey of self-discovery. Stripped of qualifiers, it points to the infinite presence beneath all roles and identities.

Awareness of Being is the constant, unchanging essence that observes all experiences. Usually, the ego mistakenly identifies with transient thoughts and roles, but "I Am" bridges the personal and the universal, guiding the Seeker beyond separateness into Infinite Awareness.

Randal Collen, M.A.

The founder of this website is now 76 years old and lives quietly in Northern California. He is a triple Gemini with a history of multiple careers, including clinical psychotherapy and AGPA Certified Group Psychotherapy. He is a lifelong jazz pianist, former Real Estate & Mortgage professional, and a relentless long-standing student of mysticism and spiritual traditions.

The question "Who am I?" is central to this exploration. The Seeker’s spiritual journey often requires a deep dive into their own unique individual personality before they become learned enough to let go of the trappings of ego. This paradox is typically explored over a lifetime, using tools like astrology and typologies such as those featured on this website.

At iamsoulguidance.com, we support this journey by offering insights and guidance that help individuals reconnect with their inner truth. By turning inward, clients discover clarity and confidence to navigate life’s challenges, transforming their understanding of self and reality.

still under construction - opening on March 1, 2025